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Skyhigh Security

Create a New User

Accounts with the User Manager role can create new users. When you create a new user, you will set their user roles and data access levels. 

Be sure to use a valid email address for the user. For non-SAML users (meaning the user logs in with username and password credentials), a user activation email is sent once the account is created. The user must click the link in the email to create a password and activate their account. 

NOTE: Previously when you deleted a user's account, you could not reuse that email address. Now you may recreate that user account using the same email address, but it will be a new account. No Saved Views, Reports, or other user settings will be available from the old account. 

To add a new user:

  1. Go to Settings > User Management > Users.
  2. Click Actions > Create New User.
  3. Under User Details, add the following information:
    • First Name.
    • Last Name.
    • Email. This will be the user’s login credential. The user will receive an email with a link to create a password. 
    • Correlation ID. This is a unique identifier for users generated by your IdP for SAML logins. 
  4. OPTIONAL: To give a user Read Only access, select Set all to: Read Only. A Read Only user can go through the steps of configuring or using a feature, but they cannot save any changes. For details, see Read-Only Users
  5. Under Access Control, on the Roles tab, choose a combination of User Roles that grant the user the level of access you prefer. 
  6. If needed, select a Data Jurisdiction tab, and select a Shadow or Sanctioned Data Jurisdiction option to enforce data access and set the default UI view for the user. 
  7. Click Save.

IMPORTANT: Users with these User Roles CANNOT be assigned to a Data Jurisdiction:

  • Compliance Manager
  • User Manager
  • Administrator
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