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Skyhigh Security

Creating bookmarks to cloud services for your organization

You can create bookmarks to cloud services or applications for users across your organization.

To create a bookmark, format the link as follows:<S>

where <S> specifies the Service ID in the SSO Catalog.

When users click the link to the service, the SSO module delivers the HTML template for the logon page. The JavaScript in the HTML template retrieves the user's account information for the specified service. Depending on the number of accounts the user has, one of the following actions takes place:

  • The user has no account in the service — The user is redirected to the launchpad, which presents the option of creating an account. After creating an account, the user can log on to the service following the SSO process.
  • The user has one account in the service — The user can log on to the service following the SSO process.
  • The user has more than one account in the service — The user is redirected to the launchpad, which presents the option of selecting an account. After selecting an account, the user can log on to the service following the SSO process.
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