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Skyhigh Security

Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError when running CSRQuery

When you run certain types of CSR queries over a large data set (for example Multi-group Summary Table queries) might generate the following error in ePO™ console.

An unexpected error occurred

The Orion.log file contains an error similar  to the following:

ERROR [http-8443-Processor23] [/analytics].[analytics] - Servlet.service() for servlet analytics threw exception
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError can’t be cast to java.lang.Exception

How to Fix

You must limit the data range of the query so that a smaller result set is returned.

If you continue to experience the issue after limiting the date range, see

This reference provides information about increasing the maximum Java Memory Pool size available to ePO™.


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