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Skyhigh Security

Modify an Authentication Rule Set to Include the IFP Protocol

You can include the IFP protocol in the criteria of an authentication rule set to enable authentication for requests that are submitted under that protocol.

  1. Import an authentication rule set from the library.
    1. Select Policy | Rule Sets, then click Add and select Top Level Rule Set.
      The Add Top Level Rule Set window opens.
    2. Click Import rule set from Rule Set Library.
      The Add from Rule Set Library window opens.
    3. From the Rule Set Library list, select the Authentication (Time/IP-based Session) rule set.
    4. In the Import conflicts area, select the conflict that is listed and under Conflict Solution choose a conflict-solving strategy.
    5. Click OK.
      The Add from Rule Set Library window closes and the rule set appears on the rule set tree.
  2. Expand the rule set and select the embedded Check for Valid Authentication Session rule set.
    The criteria and rules of the embedded rule set appear on the settings pane.
  3. Click Edit. The Edit Rule Set window opens.
  4. Modify the rule set criteria.
    1. Under Criteria, click Add and select Advanced criteria.
    2. From the properties list, select Connection.Protocol.
    3. From the operators list, select equals.
    4. In the input field for operands, type IFP.
    5. Click OK.
      The Add Criteria window closes and the criteria appears in the Criteria field.
    6. Under Criteria combination remove the closing parenthesis after the letter e and insert one after d.
  5. Click OK.
    The Edit Rule Set window closes.
  6. Click Save Changes.
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